Tuesday, October 29, 2013

When in doubt… Remember that Father knows best

A few years ago, before going to college and while still in high school, I became an expert at organizing the shelves and maintaining them well stocked at the grocery store I used to work at. But eventually I left that job and managed a shipping company for a couple of years. There I learned how to run a business, and had the opportunity to master the job for I would work 14-16 hours a day. In time, I was hired by a finance company. There I learned how to read a credit report, evaluate customers’ applications for loans, and conclude on a decision whether they were going to pay back the money or not –I was also a good collector. At any rate, I could go on and on about the lessons and how much I’ve learned about life, but the point is that I’ve realized that the more I learn, specially in college, the more I realize how ignorant I am. There will never be a point in our lives where we’ll stop learning.

Yet, I know someone who knew and is intimately acquainted, even before our own emotions, principles, gender, culture, language, mindset, and lifestyle was established, with every single inward part of us –God. Scriptures declare, “before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee” (Jeremiah 1:5). Amen! Because as sad as it sounds, we don’t even know our own persona. There are hundreds of books out there in which they talk about “finding your own self.” And for all that, it seems that our hearts deceive us each and every time (Jeremiah 17:9).

In the course of our lives there are many decisions we must take that will positively or negatively alter our very own future. Who will be my husband or wife? Should I move to a new town or country? What career should I study? And many more related questions constantly come to mind. Our heart battles with our mind, and our mind battles with certain voices, and we cannot discern which one is from God. Hard times huh? Yes. I know. However, let’s remember that He knows us better than we know ourselves. Yes, Father knows best.

Spirit of prophecy teaches us that our Bible-reading discipline will gift us the ability to discern His voice. By consequence, this same habit will keep our knees bolted to the floor in constant prayer that will slowly dissipate the adversary’s voice, and our King’s utterances will each and every time become clearer to understand.

Letting go and letting God is not an easy task for any of us since we constantly want to be in control of our lives. In spite of that, let’s be reminded that the Creator of these minds and bodies are KNOWN before the creation of this world. He knows what’s best for us, and he continues to work hard to teach us so.

Therefore, may you make the decision today to adopt a Bible-reading discipline, become a man/woman of prayer, and receive the blessing of the discernment of His voice.

Remember, Father knows best.