Thursday, January 31, 2013

Have you forgotten?

All hell breaks loose when you forget your girlfriend’s / wife’s birthday or anniversary. “Are you kidding me? “ I said to my friend. “You forgot you and your wife’s 20th anniversary?” He replied, “Yes, and it wasn’t pretty. I didn’t remember it all day long, and at the end of the night, at church, she had the last prayer. And in her prayer she says, ‘thank you, Lord, for another year you’ve given me and my husband together.’ Bro, my whole body froze…”

Now, don’t ask me how she punished him and what he had to do to make it up –that’s a question only a woman can answer–, but what I do know is that most likely the man slept alone for a couple of nights.

In our walk with God we, men and women, tend to forget important dates and anniversaries with our Creator. No, I’m not talking about Christmas, the date we were baptized, or the day we decided to separate ourselves from and addiction we had. I’m talking about the miracles, great and small, that God has done in our lives.

Think about it. Where were you 10 years ago? When looking back throughout the years, are you able to see the mighty hand of God moving in your life? Would you be where you are if it wasn’t for God? Have you forgotten that He has been shaping your life and that he is intimately acquainted with your life since before you were born?

Scripture, when talking about the Israelites in the desert, it says, “But he LED his own people like a flock of sheep,
GUIDING them safely through the wilderness. He KEPT them safe so they were not afraid;
and the sea covered their enemies. He brought them to the border of his holy land,
to this land of hills he had won for them. He DROVE OUT the nations before them; he gave them their inheritance by lot. He SETTLED the tribes of Israel into THEIR HOMES (Psalm 78:52-54).

Speaking with a close friend of mine yesterday I confessed, “Bro, I can’t see past my graduation date. Will I be receiving a call from a conference? Where? When? And what if I do not, what and where will I be going?”

And this morning I realize that just like my friend who forgot his anniversary, and just like the Israelites forgot who brought them forth from slavery in Egypt, I too have forgotten about the miracles God has done in my life, where He brought me out of, and how He has passionately continued to work in my life since day one.

Psalm 78 reminds you and I that God is still LEADING, GUIDING, keeping us safe, FIGHTING the battles we cannot fight and giving us the strength for those battles that we can, because He has promised to SETTLE us into our TRUE HOMES.

So do not worry about your future and the things God has done in your life in the past, but CLING unto this promise: “God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” (Philippians 1:6).


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Best is Yet to Come!

"The Best is Yet to Come"

Many of us have bought the lie of Satan that our best days of our lives are in the past, and we find ourselves saying, “Man, I remember those days. Those were some good times. How I wish I could go back...”

Why do we think like that?

Because at times we feel that, “The floodwaters are up to our neck. Deeper and deeper we sink into the mire, and we cannot find a foothold because we are in deep water. We become exhausted from crying for help, our eyes get swollen waiting for God to help us.

Our problems seem to outnumber the hairs on our head, and even our own family pretend they don’t know us” (we’ve lost them)... and we feel that God simply does not answer our prayers… (Psalm 69:1-4,8,16,17).

I know… I’ve been there. And king David has been there too. And many others have as well. So what have we done?

1) We have chosen to praise the name of God in the midst of our struggles (Psalm 69:30)

2) We have continued searching for Him because He promised to answer our cry and redeem us from our tribulations (Psalm 69:32-34).

3) We have made God our refuge (Psalm 71:1).

4) We have kept a worship song in our lips throughout the day (71:8).

5) We have come to understand and accept that things will workout in HIS time, and not in OURS (71:14).

6) We have chosen to testify of His salvation (71:15).

Do you know why? Because the best is YET to come!

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him!” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

So, my friend, I urge you to praise Him in the storm, search for Him every single minute, make Him Your God, sing songs of worship throughout the day, testify what He has done in your life, and then you will come to experience that your best days no longer remain in the past!


Monday, January 28, 2013

Love? Obstinacy?

Love? Obstinacy?

Many of us have had that experience with that special someone at some point in our lives. For some, their high school-sweetheart became the person who they vowed to love in sickness and in health, but for others their “X’s” became their “Y’s” as in “Why in the world did I date you?” But at any rate, most of us have been touched by love or obstinacy, and have experienced the following:

1) Our eyes liked what they saw.

Our eyes couldn’t help but to notice that person. How he/she walked, spoke, looked, smiled, laughed, and his/her special look in his/her eyes. And sooner or later our heart skipped a beat every time we saw him/her.

2) We eventually developed a personal relationship.

We got to know that person on our own, and not by what others said about him/her. He became your man. She became your girl, and whenever you felt his/her hand holding yours it felt safe.

3) We fell in love.

He/she was the last thing on our minds when we were in bed, and we simply couldn’t wipe that smile off our face. At times we couldn’t fall asleep…

Falling in love with God is similar. But BETTER. Check it:

With God…

1) There is that look

-“I have seen you in your Sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory” (Psalm 63:2).

-You personally witness the beauty of the Lord.

a. Symptoms: You worship Him (63:4)

2) Develop a close personal relationship

-“O God, you are MY God” (63:1).

-You do not only recognize Him as God, but He becomes YOUR God.

a. Symptoms: “Your soul thirsts for Him, your body longs for Him” (63:1)

3) You fall in love

-“Your unfailing love is better than life itself!” (63:2)

-Your heart cannot express in words how GOOD his love is.

a. Symptoms: “I lie awake thinking of you, meditating on you through the night… I cling to you” (63:6,8).

May you witness today who your God is, develop a personal relationship, and fall in love with Him!


Friday, January 25, 2013

[ Deja a Dios ]

[ Let GO & Let GOD ]

No hay nadie en este mundo que pueda negar el hecho que tienen mas de algún problema que los abrume. Para el rey David eran sus adversarios (Salmo 55:18).

Cuales son los tuyos?

Muchos de estos problemas nos causan dolor en nuestro corazón -tal como le pasaba al rey David - (Salmo 55:4).

Otros nos causan ataques de pánico - tal como le paso al rey David - (Salmo 55:4,5).

Y la mayoría de nosotros buscamos soluciones FACILES y RAPIDAS a estos problemas que en realidad NO los resuelven. Al rey David, tal como nos pasa hoy día, quiso huir y morir (Salmo 55:6).

- commonly known as the FIGHT or FLIGHT reaction -

Pero David decidió hacer 3 cosas.

1) "Pero yo a Dios clamaré, y el Señor me salvará" (Salmo 55:16)

2) "Hechar sobre el Señor su carga" (Salmo 55:22).

3) "Pero yo en ti confiaré" (Salmo 55:23)

Así que, en este nuevo día, al pensar en TOOOOOOODOS tus problemas, considera el consejo del rey David.

-Clama-Ponlo en las manos de Dios-Confía en El-

¿Por qué?

¡Porque solo en Dios hallarás descanso! [Salmo 62:1]


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Un Corazón Contrito y Un Corazón Alegre

“Las Grandes Maravillas de un Corazón Contrito y un Corazón Alegre”

La oración de tu corazón contrito y humillado te lleva más allá del simple perdón de tus pecados.


1) Te lleva a verdaderamente reconocer que insultaste a Dios (Salmo 51:3).

2) Este reconocimiento te lleva a tus rodillas hacia tu Creador en súplica para que te lave a fondo y te limpie de tu pecado (Salmo 51:3).

Esta simple oración de este corazón contrito y humillado MUEVE la mano del TODOPODEROSO a:

1) Purificarte, limpiarte, y lavarte para que seas MÁS blanco que la nieve (Salmo 51:7)

2) No solamente tus huesos sino también los músculos de tu corazón van hacer hechos NUEVOS! (Salmo 51:8,10).

3) Una alegría se apodera de ti ya que en Cristo Jesús habrás recibido el regalo de la SALVACIÓN (Salmo 51:12)

Ahora observa:

Tu corazón contrito te lleva a recibir el perdón que restaura el alma.

Y tu corazón alegre, que ha recibido la bendición de la salvación, te convierte en un EMBAJADOR de Cristo:

"Entonces enseñaré a los transgresores tus caminos, y los pecadores se convertirán a ti" (Salmo 51:13).

En esta día deja que tu Creador te bendiga con ese corazón contrito que tienes, y seas de bendición para otros con un corazón ALEGRE que el tiene en reserva para ti.
